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Service : The manifestation of love


One of the manifestation of love is service to Saints. When there’s love in the believer, service to the saints results.

1 Corinthians 16:15 You know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the Lord’s people. Here is a household who had no official appointment, who were not assigned by anybody in the church. They devoted themselves to serving the saints. They were self-motivated to serve.

The work of the ministry belongs to everybody and we all are called to devote ourselves to that. We don’t have to wait for somebody to appoint us to something.

People often say, “Pastor, you’ve got so many people in ministry, I’m sure that you don’t need any more.” Well, there is always opportunity here to serve. The point is that all the saints are to do ministry wherever they happen to gather. We don’t have those who serve and those who watch. We don’t have sanctified spectators who just come and say do it and we’ll watch. We’re all in the ministry. We just happen to assemble in this place on the Lord’s day, right? But then we get in our cars and we all leave and then we go out and we minister all the rest of our days.

Every one of us should be in some ministry either here or outside. Doing the Lord’s work in the Lord’s way is everybody’s responsibility. If you have love, you will be involved in service to saints.

The real meaning of service is put yourselves in line. You see, Stephanas and his family got in line all alone. Nobody called them in the line. Nobody said all of you who want to do this line here, they just got in line.

Ministry belongs to everybody and the chances are you’re never going to get appointed to a ministry until you take initiative and you prove yourself faithful. Serving comes by self-initiation. William Barclay, the British commentator writes, “In the early church willing and spontaneous service was the beginning of official office.”

What is the service of the saints? Well, the word service or ministry is the word from which we get deacon. Deacon meant a table waiter and it came to mean anybody who serves somebody else in the church out of love. Any loving service is deacon.


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